Healing From Trauma, One Breath at a Time

When I first started on my healing path, it took me a long time to learn how to be in my body. I didn’t even realize I had been OUT of my body until I really dove into hypnotherapy, and eventually my clinical hypnotherapist training as a result of my crippling anxiety, depression, and digestive issues. Trauma often forces us out of our bodies and can make it uncomfortable to return. At first, it may have been a protective mechanism in response to trauma. But later, that mind-body disconnection can often turn into anxiety, depression, autoimmunity, and other chronic conditions.

Breathwork was one of the tools that REALLY helped me be in my body fully, which is where emotions live, which is why I (and so many) avoided being there for so long. But if we don’t release these pressure-cooked emotions, they end up being destructive, not just to you, but to those around you who are victims of those emotions coming out sideways.

What is breathwork?

Breathwork is a pattern of breathing that elicits non ordinary states of consciousness (also called holotropic breath work). Naturally occurring DMT (dimethyltriptamine) is created in our lungs and we release it when we breathe this pattern. The purpose of Breathwork is healing, integrating, and purifying. We learn who we are, and who we are not. We have a corrective experience of our breath, imprinting from a place of awareness, enlisting inner and outer resources. We do it to free ourselves from the conditioning, patterning and imprinting that we were given before we had any choice.

Group sessions are about 2 hours. We’ll join on Zoom and begin with instruction on how to do the breathing pattern. I’ll then start a playlist of songs meant to help move your breath. You’ll breath for about 75 minutes (everyone’s microphones will be muted so you will only hear the music, but if you have questions I’ll be monitoring and can communicate through the chat feature on Zoom) in a comfortable space you’ve created in your home (laying on a mat or flat surface is ideal). During this time many people experience different things – please read this FAQ about Breathwork. Once the 75 minutes have passed and the music stops, we’ll join back together for an optional group sharing. Many people have transformational experiences and it’s beautiful to process as a group. 

If you would like to join me and other truth-seekers in one of these online Breathwork sessions, schedule below. From the comfort of your home, you can drop into a deeper state of awareness, release what no longer serves you, and connect with a group of like-minded people who are doing their personal work. And? It’s only $30. 

FAQ about Breathwork 

Hope to see you there,



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